Sooooo today. It's a nice day outside. So naturally, scratch that... unnaturally, I think, "I should go for a run."
One hour later... ooohhhh internets
two hours later... ooohhhh television
two hours fifteen minutes later... ok I should really find my iPod so I can run
two and a half hours later.... man iPod is out of battery
I should eat a piece of licorice
find some socks
pin back hair
consider just driving self to hospital since that is likely where I'll end up after attempting to run...
Crack the door and make sure no one's outside
Start running/jogging/whatever you call this huff puff marathon that is occurring
Only able to run for 4 minutes instead of the intended 15
Make it back to apartment
Hmmm good for me for running! I deserve a piece of licorice...
Shoot. Now I'm right back where I started.
Exercise. It's a vicious, vicious circle.