Monday, December 26, 2011

you snooze you lose... or do you?

The snooze button. In all it's glory. Its beautiful, lets me sleep for 5 more minutes at a time glory. It can be dangerous, especially if you have to wake up and go work or student teach by 7:30 in the morning, but I contend that those 55 minutes can be the best sleep I get all night. Not scientifically speaking, but psychologically speaking. I'm sure my best sleep is actually my REM sleep, but I'm not conscious when that's going down. But when I press that button on my phone that makes the alarm go off again in five minutes, I know that I am in control of my slumber. Not really, since I'm in some sort of sleep-stupor, but a sense of hypothetical control, since I'm making the (unconscious) decision to push that button. Take that, you foul foe morning! I shall defy you for another hour broken up into five minute increments! So what if my hair looks like rats are nesting in it, and my makeup looks like a let my 3rd grade students put it on me; I got that extra sleep. My clothes may not match, and my shoes may not be weather appropriate due to a lack of time to even glance out the window before running helter-skelter out  of my apartment, but by golly I got that sleep! So what do you think? Is that snooze sleep worth it or not?

Monday, October 24, 2011

What up Dr. Pepper 10

First you should read the above article.

Ladies, do we really "get the joke" concerning Dr. Pepper 10? I love Dr. Pepper, and if there is a new flavor or variation out there, I want to try it. But apparently my femaleness keeps me from doing so. Now, I am all for men being men and being manly about it. I just don't want them to have an exclusive version of one of my favorite drinks. I don't like diet drinks either.

Also- Krystals. Am I right, or am I right?

You stay classy world.