Monday, December 26, 2011

you snooze you lose... or do you?

The snooze button. In all it's glory. Its beautiful, lets me sleep for 5 more minutes at a time glory. It can be dangerous, especially if you have to wake up and go work or student teach by 7:30 in the morning, but I contend that those 55 minutes can be the best sleep I get all night. Not scientifically speaking, but psychologically speaking. I'm sure my best sleep is actually my REM sleep, but I'm not conscious when that's going down. But when I press that button on my phone that makes the alarm go off again in five minutes, I know that I am in control of my slumber. Not really, since I'm in some sort of sleep-stupor, but a sense of hypothetical control, since I'm making the (unconscious) decision to push that button. Take that, you foul foe morning! I shall defy you for another hour broken up into five minute increments! So what if my hair looks like rats are nesting in it, and my makeup looks like a let my 3rd grade students put it on me; I got that extra sleep. My clothes may not match, and my shoes may not be weather appropriate due to a lack of time to even glance out the window before running helter-skelter out  of my apartment, but by golly I got that sleep! So what do you think? Is that snooze sleep worth it or not?

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