Saturday, August 11, 2012

How to Tell if That Couple is Newlywed/On Their Honeymoon

Well, Husband and I are back from a wonderful week of cruise honeymoon! While on this cruise, about a million people said, "You must be on your honeymoon!" I started to wonder how they could tell, then I realized I could tell other couples who were on their honeymoons as well. I think there's a few things that give you away. I'll use W for wife, and H for husband.

On the flight down to the cruise port, you hear conversations like this:

Flight Attendant: In case of emergency, be sure to secure your own oxygen mask before helping others...

W: Yeah honey, you save yourself first!

H: No sweetie, I would save you!

(other passengers: trying not to puke listening to this conversation...)

On the flight back though, they've discovered the fun of thinly veiled insults that would break up a dating couple, but now your significant other is stuck with you! Haha!

Flight Attendant: In case of emergency, your seat cushion turns into a flotation device...

W: That's ok, you'll work as my flotation device baby.

H: I'm just going to drown you.

Did I say thinly veiled?

The couple also can't go anywhere/do anything alone.

H: I'm going to get a glass of water.

W: I'll come with you.

W: I think I'm gonna jump in the pool.

H: I'll come with you.

H: I'm gonna use the restroom.

W: I'll come.... (pauses, thinks) I guess I'll just wait out here then.

They also do a lot of conspiratorial smiling at each other, and complimenting each other on how great those rings look on their hands. And, they think every picture they take will look fantastic, because they're on their honeymoon. Until they get back and have to delete 45 pictures of their thumb, trees, cars, etc.

So the next time you're out and about, you can use these tips to alert yourself to honeymooners, and run away before they kill you with their cuteness.

See? What was I even looking at?? Our feet? A wall?

Ok, Here's one nice one for you :)

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