Friday, June 29, 2012

Just A Little Celeb Gossip.....

I couldn't help myself, I had to gossip...

Apparently, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are getting a divorce! Very out of the blue. I think I mostly feel sorry for Suri.

In exciting news, however, Reese Witherspoon is pregnant! I love her. And look how cute she looks!


Monday, June 25, 2012

Hey Tennessee- you're OK by me!


          So I was just reading a post on one of my favorite blogs, A CUP OF JO. It discussed the pros and cons of staying where you are or moving to raise your kids, and it also provided a link to the 100 best cities in America to raise a family, as well as the worst cities. It made me so sad that Tennessee did not make the list of best cities! We only made the worst cities list, so thanks a lot, Clarksville, for not spending money on your city's education.

A CUP OF JO post:

List of cities:

As lucky as I was to live in California 20 minutes from the beach growing up, I would never trade it back for the wonder that is Tennessee! I love my little rural hometown, I love the people, I love seeing cows when I go for a walk to the park. Here are some other things I think are great about this state, kids or no kids...

I get to see scenery like the above picture ALL THE TIME! The mist that is rolling over the hills and mountains when I wake up? Breathtaking! The farms that have been in families for years, the lakes in the summer, the green, green, green everywhere you look. I've lived here for almost 9 years now, and I still get that feeling you get when you're on vacation and you see something you know you will never be able to forget for the rest of your life, because it is just that beautiful.

The people... everyone is just so darn friendly! In California, you avoid eye contact when you're out in public. Here, you talk to everyone! I remember when we first moved here, I was so confused when random strangers would wave or talk to us. Who were these people?? Oh, they were just friendly Tennesseans! Also, people here know how to get down. Bonfires, fishing, spending the Fourth of July on the lake until the fantastic fireworks begin? I can't get enough of it.

We also lay claim to some exciting history. Did you know that before we were Tennessee, we were the state of Franklin? Franklin was our capitol city before Nashville. Check out some of our other history here:

Well, I could go on forever about why I love this great state, but I'll keep it brief:

-Oak Ridge's rich history
-UT football
-musical heritage
-FOOD (catfish, bbq, grainger county tomatoes, garden fresh veggies, etc.)
-Smoky Mountains
And so much more.

What do you love about Tennessee? Would you ever leave it to raise a family?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

To the Giants Upstairs

Ahh, on-campus apartment life. So wonderful, until night falls and the apparently nocturnal basketball players on the floor above me start doing whatever it is they do. Here are some of my theories on what those mysterious noises could be due to:

-bouncing basketballs (clearly)

-dropping marbles (less likely, but what else could that little pinging noise be?)

-rearranging the furniture by way of sliding it across the floor (athletes must stay trendy with home   

-practicing Stop, Drop, and Roll (one never knows when fire safety will come in handy!)

-dancing the minuet (light of foot, boys, light of foot!)

Any other ideas? There's probably a perfectly reasonable explanation, right? Right??

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Things to Remember When Trying to be Healthy

So this summer I'm trying to be nice to myself by being healthier. This means I don't eat as much candy, ice cream, drink soda, etc. I'm actually becoming acquainted with the produce section at Wal-Mart. Who knew there was more to Wal-Mart than cheap clothes and school supplies?!

But the toughest part for me is the "being active" angle. Running. Ick!! So I'm working on walking long distances around campus. Here are some things to remember when walking for exercise...

1. You're walking, Julia. NOT dancing. when you put too many Broadway musical soundtracks and 80's music on your iPod, it's really difficult to refrain from dancing down the road instead of walking down it.

2. Just because the cows are standing near the fence on the walking path, does not mean they want to be petted. Pet? Petted? I don't know. But don't try to touch them. Not because you'll get hurt, but because when you turn around to start walking again, all the old guys down at the driving range are looking at you like you're a crazy person.

3. Cover your eyes when Too-Short-Shorts-Guy runs past you. You can never erase those images.

So if you see the crazy, cow petting, Broadway dancing girl walking down the road, you caught me. Here's to good health.

Monday, June 4, 2012

What It Do, Summer Days

Its summer. My favorite time of each and every year. Also, my last summer before real life since I just graduated college. Also, my last summer as an unmarried lady. As you can imagine, this propels me to do productive, advantageous things with my days. Things like...

8 am- Alarm goes off, so that I can wake up early and make important phone calls. Aaaaaaaaahhh nobody's up before 9... reset alarm for 9.

9 am- OK, Julia! Get up! Stare in the bathroom mirror for like 5 minutes. Wonder, am I ready to talk to other human beings at this time of day? I mean, I stayed up until 2 am last night to organize my Arts and Crafts box.

9:23 am- I'll call Mom first. She won't mind like I sound like Death and I'm talking to her from my very comfy bed that I crawled back into...

"Blah blah blah, plan wedding, blah blah blah, love you too, bye Mom" <3

9:48 am- I'll call Fiance and see if he can get Thursday morning off for apartment searching...

"The person you are trying to reach is not available...." Whaaaaa?! Where you at, Fiance? I needs to talk to you!

9:52 am- Ok, I think I'm ready to talk to real humans...

"Blah blah blah, ok thanks." Wow that was the shortest convo ever! I just spent so much time psyching myself up for that one... I am awesome at this grown up shiz... except I'm still in bed. But it's summer...

9:54 am- Try again to call Fiance and inform him of how great I am at talking to real estate people. No answer... hmm he must actually have to work or something! Take a somber minute to feel sorry for people who can't stay in bed all day...

10 am- Hmmmm. Hungry! What's in the kitchen today? Ohhhh nothing...... except what sister got yesterday and said, "Do not eat my food!" So sister, I did not eat 5 of your dried mango slices and half the carton frozen yogurt. Which tastes suspiciously like ice cream but it's yogurt, so it's pretty much a health food.

2 pm- Hmmm hungry again?? What time is it... OH MY STARS ITS 2:30? WHAT HAVE I DONE WITH MYSELF ALL DAY?????????? Well, time to eat some lunch and get ready for work, which starts at 5pm tonight. It takes a good two hours to look semi-decent and get there on time, even though the dress code says, "Please do your best to look like crap in our ugly, ugly uniforms. And then put an apron on top of it all!!" And, it is a full 7 minute drive away from my apartment. Hence, 2 hours to get beauteous and drive there.

Now- uggghhh so hard to get out of the covers.....

Enjoy your summer guys!