Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Things to Remember When Trying to be Healthy

So this summer I'm trying to be nice to myself by being healthier. This means I don't eat as much candy, ice cream, drink soda, etc. I'm actually becoming acquainted with the produce section at Wal-Mart. Who knew there was more to Wal-Mart than cheap clothes and school supplies?!

But the toughest part for me is the "being active" angle. Running. Ick!! So I'm working on walking long distances around campus. Here are some things to remember when walking for exercise...

1. You're walking, Julia. NOT dancing. when you put too many Broadway musical soundtracks and 80's music on your iPod, it's really difficult to refrain from dancing down the road instead of walking down it.

2. Just because the cows are standing near the fence on the walking path, does not mean they want to be petted. Pet? Petted? I don't know. But don't try to touch them. Not because you'll get hurt, but because when you turn around to start walking again, all the old guys down at the driving range are looking at you like you're a crazy person.

3. Cover your eyes when Too-Short-Shorts-Guy runs past you. You can never erase those images.

So if you see the crazy, cow petting, Broadway dancing girl walking down the road, you caught me. Here's to good health.

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