Monday, June 25, 2012

Hey Tennessee- you're OK by me!


          So I was just reading a post on one of my favorite blogs, A CUP OF JO. It discussed the pros and cons of staying where you are or moving to raise your kids, and it also provided a link to the 100 best cities in America to raise a family, as well as the worst cities. It made me so sad that Tennessee did not make the list of best cities! We only made the worst cities list, so thanks a lot, Clarksville, for not spending money on your city's education.

A CUP OF JO post:

List of cities:

As lucky as I was to live in California 20 minutes from the beach growing up, I would never trade it back for the wonder that is Tennessee! I love my little rural hometown, I love the people, I love seeing cows when I go for a walk to the park. Here are some other things I think are great about this state, kids or no kids...

I get to see scenery like the above picture ALL THE TIME! The mist that is rolling over the hills and mountains when I wake up? Breathtaking! The farms that have been in families for years, the lakes in the summer, the green, green, green everywhere you look. I've lived here for almost 9 years now, and I still get that feeling you get when you're on vacation and you see something you know you will never be able to forget for the rest of your life, because it is just that beautiful.

The people... everyone is just so darn friendly! In California, you avoid eye contact when you're out in public. Here, you talk to everyone! I remember when we first moved here, I was so confused when random strangers would wave or talk to us. Who were these people?? Oh, they were just friendly Tennesseans! Also, people here know how to get down. Bonfires, fishing, spending the Fourth of July on the lake until the fantastic fireworks begin? I can't get enough of it.

We also lay claim to some exciting history. Did you know that before we were Tennessee, we were the state of Franklin? Franklin was our capitol city before Nashville. Check out some of our other history here:

Well, I could go on forever about why I love this great state, but I'll keep it brief:

-Oak Ridge's rich history
-UT football
-musical heritage
-FOOD (catfish, bbq, grainger county tomatoes, garden fresh veggies, etc.)
-Smoky Mountains
And so much more.

What do you love about Tennessee? Would you ever leave it to raise a family?


  1. If I was in Tennessee and at least one of my kids was still in high school, I wouldn't leave it. Especially if the house I raised my kids in was going to be taken over by hicks who park buses in my beautiful front yard. I suppose the whole getting a job that pays when you're old job was probably going to drop you would be a reason to leave but still!
    It is a beautiful state and I miss everything about it.

  2. Thanks Marney! You have personal experience, don't you! We miss you being here!
