Friday, January 4, 2013

New year, New you!!

Happy 2013 people!

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New year's, I know we sure did! did you make any New year's resolutions? Here are mine:

-learn to cook better and healthier for me and Zach

-find some form of exercise that is tolerable and doesn't make me want to throw myself off a bridge

-be nicer to people in general

And here are the top ten resolutions as according to the interwebs. How do yours match up?

1. Quit smoking
2. Spend more time with family
3. Get a better education
4. Get a better job
5. Manage debt and/or save money
6. Lose weight and/or get fit
7. Treat Yourself (replace manage stress)
8. Drink less alcohol
9. Volunteer 

And these aren't resolutions, but they certainly will take up the majority of my time and brain power, next week I start my first teaching job as an intervention teacher, and also my first semester of masters classes for education! Can't wait to see what all this new year brings!

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