Saturday, January 26, 2013

Of Easy Wind and Downy Flake...

You may recognize title of today's blog from one of Robert Frost's poems,

Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening

We've had some lovely weather here in the two weeks. I'm not much on cold, but I do love snow. I think it's because we saw it so rarely growing up in southern California, we had to travel see any. And what really makes it great is being a teacher and getting the day off to enjoy it! Here's what Zach and I have done with last week's snow and this week's ice storm:

Watch a lot of tv

Read a lot

Stare out of our window a lot

Make snow cream for the first time

Zach was smart and only ate a spoonful

I was less smart and almost made myself sick.Rich stuff, snow cream.

And here's the only time we left the safety of our apartment on Friday, aka ice storm day...

Hope everyone was safe and had as much fun with the winter weather as we did!!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Allow Me to Suggest Some Rainy Day Activities...

One might think that being the day off from school would be enough,  and it was, until these little joys came into my life...

Joy numero uno:

Watching Carlton dance to Tom Jones on fresh Prince? You know it's gonna be a good day people!

Joy numero dos:

and now please allow me to show you what you'll be doing for the rest of the day:

Apparently it's Frank Zamboni's birthday, and in celebration we can spend all day smoothing ice torn up by little skaters. You are welcome.

and a little Charlie Brown wisdom for ya

Charlie Brown quotes
There are three things in life that people like to stare at: a flowing stream, a crackling fire and a Zamboni clearing the ice.

Monday, January 14, 2013

A Good Day for Ducks

What a rainy day!

I don't know about you guys, but Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.... not really, I just wanted to quote the Carpenters song! They are pretty dreary, though. Thus, here is a look at the bright spots in my rainy Monday:

The fact that Zach put new windshield wipers on my car this weekend. It was to the point where I had almost zero visibility in a storm, or even a sprinkling situation. But who remembers to get windshield wipers when it's not raining, I ask you?!?!

My school kids and fellow teachers/other school peeps who are so helpful and supportive while I'm still learning the ropes!

The easiest dinner eveeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I owe this delightful find to my dear sister-in-law. I buy it at Wal-Mart, it's $3, all the ingredients are in the box except water. So it's good for everyone, unless maybe you live in a desert and water is rationed. Then you have bigger problems. Also, there's about 8 different meal options. Bingo.

I watched about an hour of My Life is a Lifetime Movie today. It's like a train wreck, I don't want to watch but I can't stop! My like is exponentially better than these people's!

Well, except they're probably rich from being on Lifetime, but whatever. Money isn't everything.

Anyways, I hope everyone else had some shining rays of happiness in their day today! If you can't think of anything, go read my post on toilet paper.

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

Langston Hughes

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hallelujah for Fridays!

          Guys, this week has been crazy, but so much fun! I've spent my days at school getting my classroom ready, and working on the paper aspect, and last night I went to my first night of masters classes! I have two classes each Thursday evening. I was really dreading it, I loved the feeling of being done with school! (Ironic, since I'm a teacher?) But my professor seems really nice so it might be... gasp! OK. I might even have some fun, we'll see.

         Also, something that occurs to me in this first week of being a teacher: every teacher should get an extra 25 minutes tacked onto their planning time, called... wait for it... Pinterest Time! Teachers get such great ideas from pinterest, and I see so many at our school incorporating them into their teaching in really awesome ways. We should be getting paid for this... let's call it research haha.

One more thing, and I couldn't resist. And yes, I saw it on Pinterest. All bloggers deserve to see this every time they post.

Just replace Ryan with Zach lol.

Happy Weekend!!!!!!

Friday, January 4, 2013

New year, New you!!

Happy 2013 people!

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New year's, I know we sure did! did you make any New year's resolutions? Here are mine:

-learn to cook better and healthier for me and Zach

-find some form of exercise that is tolerable and doesn't make me want to throw myself off a bridge

-be nicer to people in general

And here are the top ten resolutions as according to the interwebs. How do yours match up?

1. Quit smoking
2. Spend more time with family
3. Get a better education
4. Get a better job
5. Manage debt and/or save money
6. Lose weight and/or get fit
7. Treat Yourself (replace manage stress)
8. Drink less alcohol
9. Volunteer 

And these aren't resolutions, but they certainly will take up the majority of my time and brain power, next week I start my first teaching job as an intervention teacher, and also my first semester of masters classes for education! Can't wait to see what all this new year brings!